Using an Inversion Table for Sciatica Pain Relief

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We have been asked as to whether using an Inversion Table for Sciatica Pain Relief will provide relief
When the sciatic nerve flares up it can be extremely painful and oftentimes debilitating. Many people assume there’s nothing they can do to help alleviate the condition, and some think they are going to have to undergo extensive surgical procedures to correct it.

sciatica treatment inversion therapy

But there are some non-surgical options for treating sciatica. Not only are there some simple exercises that might help bring some relief, you can also use an inversion table for sciatica pain relief. Regular inversion therapy can help ease the pain and get you back to normal.

What is Sciatica?

The sciatic nerve is located in the lower back and runs on down the legs to the feet. When the nerve becomes inflamed, or causes pain in any way it is considered sciatica. Most of the time, there is pain in the buttocks, shoots down the legs and feet. There can also be shooting pains across the lower back region.

There can also be cases where there is numbness down the leg and parts of the foot. Another symptom is known imaginatively known as PFS, Drop Foot Syndrome. Where the foot is not lifted it the individual may have a tendency to trip.

There are different conditions that can cause the symptoms associated with sciatica such as:

  • A Spinal Fracture
  • Some sort of injury to nearby muscles
  • A slipped disc or discs
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Discs that are affected by degeneration or are herniated
Pain is not the only symptom felt with sciatica. Difficulty moving a leg, numbness, weakness or tingling are also symptoms that maybe experienced.

Individuals who are suffering with this condition may also find they have some muscle stiffness or weakness; and one side of the lower body may experience numbness. Pain may be present in any form including aching, radiating or shooting pains.

It is also possible for a person to have mild symptoms one day and then extreme discomfort the next. The severity of the symptoms can be different for each individual and they can be effected by the different types of activities the person performs.

I have found that it is not the weight that I lift that will lead to pain but more how I lift. We have heard it 100 times, “Bend the knees, Keep the back straight.”


What are traditional treatments for Sciatica?

There are some common treatments used to help alleviate the discomfort of Sciatica. There are both surgical and non-surgical treatments offered in most cases. The specific treatment may be based on the nature of the condition, severity and location of the pain. Since the pain can be caused by different conditions, these may determine what type of treatment is used.

For instance, if sciatica is caused by a herniated disc, then surgery may be deemed necessary in some cases to bring relief. For some, physical therapy may be used to alleviate associated pain, temporarily or permanently with regular use.

This is where an inversion table may come in useful as they can oftentimes reduce pain and discomfort caused by sciatica.

How can an inversion be used to alleviate discomfort from sciatica?

An inversion table can be one of the best solutions for relieving sciatica pain. Because the table inverts the body, it can counter the force of gravity; and then use it. Once the body is upside down on the table, gravity once again works, but now it can help to alleviate compression and pressure on the back. This can greatly decrease the symptoms and pains associated with sciatica.

What are the benefits of using an inversion table for sciatica pain relief?

An inversion table is a safe option for relieving pain and discomfort. An inversion table can be adjusted to a person’s comfort level and it does not have to go all the way upside down to be effective. Just remember to start slowly and make adjustments to the table slowly so you increase the incline slowly.

If the doctor or other medical professional gives advice about how to use the device, be sure to follow it precisely. This will help you avoid any injury or dangerous situations. If it is used correctly, the inversion table can provide a variety of benefits. nerve entapment

Inversion Therapy helps the discs between the vertebrae decompress and to relax the muscles along your spinal column.

As you go about your day, gravity causes the body to compress. Even minimal inclines can help tense muscles relax and increase the flow of lymphatic fluids. This helps to flush wastes out of the body.

The quicker the waste is carried out of the body, the faster it is replaced with oxygen and this helps reduce pain and stiffness in the muscles.

This can help prevent or reduce muscle spasms.

  • Inversion therapy will help improve your circulation and help aid the body’s natural healing process.
  • An Inversion Table helps the body clean the lymph fluids and the blood which helps the body heal faster.
  • Being in an inverted position will realign and strength the ligaments.
  • As the circulation improves, the oxygen flow to the brain will increase and the improved flow of blood can also help improve varicose veins.
  • Will stretch and relax the muscles along the spinal column.
  • Relieve back pain. When the body is inverted, the spine is lengthened and space between vertebrae is increased.
  • Reduces the pressure on the nerve roots, ligaments and discs.
  • In just 20 seconds of inversion therapy muscle tension in the spine can be greatly relieved.
  • Remember there is no need to be totally inverted.

sciatica inversion table therapy

Is the inversion table safe to use?

Anyone who is thinking about using an inversion table to relieve sciatica pain relief will probably ask if it is safe to use. The initial answer is, “yes.”

However, it is important to talk to your health care provider before starting to use it; especially if you have had any type of back surgery.

For those who have had spinal fusions or any type of back surgery, you want to have it checked as it should be completely healed before you start to use the inversion table.

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