Glossary of Back Pain Terms

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Glossary of Terms relating to the Spine and Back Pain


Abduction movement of a limb away from the midline of the body
Absolute contraindication a situation that absolutely forbids the use of a particular treatment
Active trigger point a tender spot in a muscle that refers pain in a particular pattern and can restrict movement
Adduction movement of a limb toward the midline of the bodylower back pain
Analgesia lack of sensation
Anatomical position the reference point to describe the position of one body part relative to another. It involves standing, facing forwards with the palms facing forwards
Antalgia a posture adopted to avoid or minimize pain
Anterior towards the front

Cavitation the ‘pop’ or ‘crack’ sound that is made when a joint is manipulated collagen the most abundant protein in mammals; a major component of fascia, giving it strength and flexibility

Contraindication a factor that prohibits the administration of a drug or the performance of an act or procedure in the care of a specific patient


Extension the process of straightening, moving away from flexion or the state of being straight


Fascia a tissue that covers and binds body tissues; it is an uninterrupted, three-dimensional web of tissue that extends from head to toe
Fibroblast a connective-tissue cell that secretes collagen from which connective tissue forms
Fibrosis fibrous degeneration; abnormal increased deposition of fibrous tissue flexion the process of bending or the state of being bent
Fracture a broken bone; there are various sub-classes of fractures—for example, compound, stress, compression


Hyperreflexia, overactivity of physiological reflexes

Hypoxia – A situation where insufficient oxygen reaches the tissues


Indication – a reason to prescribe a medication or perform a treatment
Inferior anatomically more distant from the head—for example, the low bad
Inferior to the thorax

Joint capsule the envelope which borders a synovial joint

Kyphosis a posterior convex curvature of the spine; it occurs naturally in thoracic spine and the sacrum/coccyx complex


Latent trigger point muscle dysfunction that restricts range of motion in t affected muscle but does not cause local or referred pain
Lateral furthest from the middle of the body
Lateral flexion to bend to the side, or to be side-bent
Lordosis concave curve of the back of the spine; it occurs naturally in the cervical and lumbar spine


Mechanoreceptors cells specialising in sensing movement
Medial nearer the middle of the body
Meniscus/menisci a cartilage disc that acts as a cushion between the ends bones that meet in a joint
Myofascia connective surrounding and joining muscle and fascia


NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsnerve entapment


Osteophyte a degenerative bony spur formation commonly arising from a vett(
ral body or facet joint


Periosteum a dense membrane composed of fibrous connective tissue tl
closely wraps (invests) all bone
Posterior towards the rear—for example, the brain is posterior to the eyes


Radiculopathy nerve pain, sensory impairment, weakness or diminished de
tendon reflexes in a nerve root distribution
Recumbent lying down
Referred pain perceived at a location other than the site of the pain]
Relative contraindication a situation that may forbid the use of a particular
Rotation circular movement around a central axis, such as twisting the spine


Scoliosis an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Spinal stenosis narrowing of the spinal canal that may result in bony construction of the cauda equina and the emerging nerve roots
Synovial joint the most common type of joint in the body—for example, the kneefacetjoints


Tendinosis degenerative condition of a tendon
TheraBand an exercise aid composed of elastic sheeting that provides resistance when stretched; available in different thicknesses for variable resistance


Viscera organs or organ systems of the human body
VMO vastus medialis obliqus muscle

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